Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18: A time when I felt passionate and alive

Right now! :-)  I feel most passionate and alive for Christ when I am serving others.  There is nothing that gives me more joy, especially when doing it in secret and not expecting at rewards.  Of course, I often times fail to do it 24/7, but I am trying to do it more.  Learning to not be selfish can be rather difficult, but with the Lord's help, NOTHING is impossible! Right? ;-)

One of the things that I am hoping to do very soon is visit children's hospitals.  Ever since I was little, I wanted to go to a children's hospital dressed up as a clown -at the time I was very into clowny things- to cheer up the kids.  I could make animals out of balloons, tell jokes, and share the gospel.  Well, when I talked to Mom about it (I think I was 7-8 at the time) she said that they wouldn't let younger children in like that. I had to be older.. around 18 she thought.  Well, I was discouraged and eventually pushed the thought out of my head.. Until a few weeks ago.  My friend and I were talking about what we needed to do with our lives while waiting for our husbands to show up.  We don't want to just lie around and do nothing with our time.  While one is single, we can take advantage and use it to serve others (as in, I wouldn't need to worry about taking care of my own kids, so I could focus on other ways of serving). So, we were talking and all of a sudden, the thought just came to me.  "I am almost old enough to go to the children's home!"  I got so excited I think my friend probably thought I went mad.. lol!
    I am really looking forward to doing that, if the Lord wills it.  If He does, then it will all work together and everything will fall into place. I just have to be willing to listen and take that step forward!
   So, my fellow Prayer Warriors, I would really appreciate it if you could pray for me that God would give me guidance on what to do with this.  My Mom and sister are looking into volunteering to go and rock little babies at the hospital (unfortunately I am not old enough or else I would jump for it!), so please pray that maybe an opportunity would come up.  Thank you!

Have a blessed day!  I may be coming back on here to post a rather exciting thing that is happening today.. ;-)  I am praying for JOY as I go about this...

Yourself  :-)

In Christ's Service,

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